These Celebrity Face Mashups Produce Amazing Yet Unexpected Results

Celebrity Face Mashups With Unexpected Results

Admit it, we all love celebrities and we have our favourites. Now imagine if they faces of our favourite celebrities were mashed up and we get a celebrity face mashup. Can you imagine what the results would be? Well Instagram user @gesichtermix is a master of mashing up our favourite celebrity faces and the results are astounding. In all honesty some of these mashups are just too good to be true and many of them actually could be passed as an actual human being.

9Elizabeth Olsen & Scarlett Johansson

Elizabeth Olsen & Scarlett Johansson

Elizabeth Olsen & Scarlett Johansson

8Colin Ferrell & Arnold Schwarzenegger

Colin Ferrell & Arnold Schwarzenegger

Colin Ferrell & Arnold Schwarzenegger

7Brad Pitt & Ethan Hawke

Brad Pitt & Ethan Hawke

Brad Pitt & Ethan Hawke

6Barack Obama & Dwayne Johnson 

Barack Obama & Dwayne Johnson 

Barack Obama & Dwayne Johnson 

5Lee Pace & Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Cumberbatch & Lee Pace

Benedict Cumberbatch & Lee Pace

4Emma Watson & Kristen Stewart

Emma Watso & Kristen Stewart

Emma Watso & Kristen Stewart

Tom Hiddleston & Jenson Ackles

Tom Hiddleston & Jenson Ackles

Tom Hiddleston & Jenson Ackles

3Natalie Dormer & Elsa Hosk

Natalie Dormer / Elsa Hosk

Natalie Dormer / Elsa Hosk

2Megan Fox & Angelina Jolie

Megan Fox & Angela Jolie

Megan Fox & Angela Jolie

1Emma Watson & Taylor Swift

Emma Watson & Taylor Swift

Emma Watson & Taylor Swift

So which celebrity face mash up was your favourite ?