Dude Nails Photoshopping Himself Into Pictures Of Kendall Jenner And It Is Near Perfect

Dude Nails Photoshopping Himself Into Pictures Of Kendall Jenner And It Is Near Perfect
credit: https://www.instagram.com/kirbyjenner/

I've said it time and time again, photoshop is an a skill many don't possess, me included, but to view Kirby Jenner's images of him photoshopping himself into Kendall Jenner's pictures is truly a masterpiece. There is a good reason why he has over a million followers on Instagram, take a look at these pictures and judge em for yourself. They are near perfection.








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Despite Mom saying “No, put it back” to literally everything I picked out, it was a fun/sentimental day saying goodbye to my happy place. Toys R Us – you were my first love. I’ll never forget your smell of baby powder and dried soda. I’ll always cherish your linoleum floors, perfect for popping wheelies in the bike section. I loved the hum of the florescent lights, which illuminated all of the Choking Hazard symbols and made me feel safe. I’ll miss my Sunday ritual of playing video game demos on your sticky, broken controllers. I’ll miss your slightly rude but warm employees reminding me to buy batteries (not included) at the checkout line. You were an island of bliss that changed my life forever. I’ll see you in heaven. You were one of the good ones. #LoveKirby

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