This Guy Knows How To Respond To Racist Messages And Receive An Apology

This Guy Knows How To Respond To Racist Messages And Receive An Apology

If you ever wondered how to react to a racist message, then step in Mr Abdul Dremali or Advil as he's known on Twitter, a brand growth specialist and an award-winning (astro) photographer and host of  He is also someone who likes to take the piss outta Trump supporters especially showering them with compliments, just to wind them up a bit more and keep us entertained. Here are few snippets of his hilarious battles.

Now with social media taking a prominent role in our lives, we all know the amount of hate people get via dm's or point blank on public platforms, and lucky for us Abdul has found the perfect solution on how to deal with racist messages, he started off by saying "my FAVOURITE thing in the world is responding to my hateful messages and seeing how fast i can change their mood." and shared the exchange he had with Michael

This Guy Shows Us Just How To Respond To Racist Messages And Get An Apology
This Guy Shows Us Just How To Respond To Racist Messages And Get An Apology
This Guy Shows Us Just How To Respond To Racist Messages And Get An Apology

The responses from the inter web were full of admiration for Abdul who kept his cool …