Supernatural series stars Misha Collins, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, made the announcement in a video posted on Instagram on Friday. Ackles said. “15 years of a show that has certainly changed my life, I know it’s changed these two guys’ lives, and we just wanted you to here from us that though we’re excited about next year, it will be the finale.”
“We’ve cried some tears and we’ll cry some more, but we’re grateful and we’re going to work all that emotion into next season,” added Padalecki.
According to reports, the final season will consist of 20 episodes, which will bring their total tally of episodes for this epic tv series to 320. Previous cast members shared their thoughts on Twitter.
I guest starred on #Supernatural waaaaay back in season two and it's still one of my favorite chracters I've played. Congrats on 15 great seasons guys. #SPNFamily #SPN
— elιαѕ тoυғeхιѕ (@EliasToufexis) March 22, 2019
To the fabulous cast and hard working crew of Supernatural: Congrats on 15 incredible seasons. I was so happy to be a tiny part of it and am in awe of your legacy and your superpower fanbase full of fierce, loving, and welcoming people. Legends, all of you. ❤️
— Jewel Staite (@JewelStaite) March 22, 2019
Man. This is truly the end of an era. These three introduced the concept of fandoms being able to keep shows alive, fandom families, and have done more charity work than almost any other celebs out there. There've always used #Supernatural as a force for good. #SPNFamily <3
— Alisha Grauso (@AlishaGrauso) March 22, 2019
#Supernatural's final episode should be preceded by an hour-long montage of the previous 15 years' events set to an hour-long version of "Carry on My Wayward Son"
— Eric Goldman (@TheEricGoldman) March 22, 2019
I thought #Supernatural would outlive us all. Carry on, my wayward sons, there'll be peace when you are done. 😭
— Laura Prudom (@LauInLA) March 22, 2019
Watch the full video posted by Jared Padalecki